Results for 'J. Schmidt Michael'

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  1.  17
    Liberalismus: Spielarten und Herausforderungen.Johannes J. Frühbauer, Michael Roseneck & Thomas M. Schmidt - 2023 - In Johannes Frühbauer, Michael Reder, Michael Roseneck & Thomas M. Schmidt (eds.), Rawls-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. J.B. Metzler. pp. 543-556.
    In diesem Beitrag sollen zentrale Spielarten und Familienverwandte des Liberalismus vorgestellt sowie auf zentrale Herausforderungen eingegangen werden, die sich dem Liberalismus als politischer Theorie gegenwärtig stellen. In diesem Beitrag sollen zum einen zentrale Spielarten und Familienverwandte von Rawls’ Liberalismus vorgestellt werden. Dabei handelt es sich um den Links- und Rechtslibertarismus, den Neoliberalismus sowie den Nationalliberalismus. Zum anderen sollen mit dem gesellschaftlichen Pluralismus, dem Verhältnis zur Demokratie und der Umweltzerstörung wichtige Herausforderungen thematisiert werden, mit denen sich der politische Liberalismus heutzutage konfrontiert (...)
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    Rawls – ein aktueller Klassiker.Johannes J. Frühbauer, Michael Reder, Michael Roseneck & Thomas M. Schmidt - 2023 - In Johannes Frühbauer, Michael Reder, Michael Roseneck & Thomas M. Schmidt (eds.), Rawls-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. J.B. Metzler. pp. 3-10.
    John Rawls ist im 20. Jahrhundert sicherlich einer der bedeutendsten praktischen Philosophen. Seine Werke und die damit verbundene Begriffs- und Theoriebildung haben viele Traditionslinien philosophischer Klassiker der Moderne aufgegriffen, synthetisiert und neu ausgelegt. Mit seinem Nachdenken über Gerechtigkeit prägt er bis heute viele philosophische Debatten, sei es in positiver Bezugnahme oder negativer Abgrenzung.
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  3. Social Connection Through Joint Action and Interpersonal Coordination.Kerry L. Marsh, Michael J. Richardson & R. C. Schmidt - 2009 - Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (2):320-339.
    The pull to coordinate with other individuals is fundamental, serving as the basis for our social connectedness to others. Discussed is a dynamical and ecological perspective to joint action, an approach that embeds the individual’s mind in a body and the body in a niche, a physical and social environment. Research on uninstructed coordination of simple incidental rhythmic movement, along with research on goal‐directed, embodied cooperation, is reviewed. Finally, recent research is discussed that extends the coordination and cooperation studies, examining (...)
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  4. Philosophy of and as interdisciplinarity.Michael Hg Hoffmann, Jan C. Schmidt & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2013 - Synthese 190 (11):1857-1864.
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    Philosophy of and as interdisciplinarity.Michael H. G. Hoffmann, Jan C. Schmidt & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2013 - Synthese 190 (11):1857-1864.
  6.  9
    Ernst-von-Glasersfeld-Lectures 2015.Theo Hug, Michael Schorner, Josef Mitterer, Ernst von Glasersfeld & Siegfried J. Schmidt (eds.) - 2015 - Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]William T. Lowe, Jack K. Campbell, Jack Conrad Willers, John R. Thelin, Barbara Townsend, W. Bruce Leslie, Anthony A. Defalco, Frederick L. Silverman, Edward G. Rozycki, Gertrude Langsam, Alanson van Fleet, Michael Story, James M. Giarelli, J. J. Chambliss, J. E. Christensen & Kenneth C. Schmidt - 1982 - Educational Studies 13 (1):51-86.
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    Erratum to: Philosophy of and as interdisciplinarity. [REVIEW]Michael H. G. Hoffmann, Jan C. Schmidt & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2013 - Synthese 190 (11):1975-1975.
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  9. Brill Online Books and Journals.Holger Thesleff, Darrel D. Colson, Robert Heinaman, Klaus J. Schmidt, David Sedley, Michael Haslam & D. K. W. Modrak - 1989 - Phronesis 34 (1-3).
  10.  11
    Faith in Theory and Practice: Essays on Justifying Religious Belief.Elizabeth Schmidt Radcliffe & Carol J. White (eds.) - 1993 - Open Court.
    Two views of theistic faith are presented in this book. Some contributors see faith as a set of beliefs about God and seek substantiation for those beliefs. Others perceive faith less as a set of beliefs than as a special way of living in relationship to God. The connection between these two views is an intriguing theme winding through the collection and explicitly addressed by Michael A. Brown in the closing essay. The epistemology of religion is now one of (...)
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  11. "All Good Things Come to the City": the Micropolitics of Michael J. Shapiro's The Time of the City.Ronald J. Schmidt Jr - 2011 - Theory and Event 14 (4).
  12.  46
    S. Ravi Rajan, Adam Romero and Michael Watts (eds), Genealogies of Environmentalism: The Lost Works of Clarence Glacken.Jeremy J. Schmidt - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (4):453-455.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Linda Crawford, Stafford Kay, Jorge Jeria, Kenneth C. Schmidt, Edmund C. Short, Donald A. Dellow, Lewis E. Cloud, M. M. Chambers, George L. Dowd, L. David Weller Jr, J. J. Chambliss, Paul Nash, Robert V. Bullough Jr, Michael V. Belok & George D. Dalin - 1980 - Educational Studies 11 (1):67-91.
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  14. Lyrical and Ethical Subjects: Essays on the Periphery of the Word, Freedom, and History Dennis J. Schmidt SUNY Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy Albany, Ny: Suny Press, 2005, xii + 215 pp., $92.50, $29.95 paper. [REVIEW]Michael Berman - 2007 - Dialogue 46 (2):380.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Joseph A. Broude, Roy R. Nasstrom, M. M. Chambers, Kenneth C. Schmidt, Michael V. Belok, Cynthia Porter-Gherie, Eleanor Kallman Roemer, J. Harold Anderson, George D. Dalin, Bruce Beezer, James Van Pattan, Sally Schumacher, Harvey Neufeldt, Joseph Watras, Robert Nicholas Berard, F. C. Rankine, Paul Kriese, Jill D. Wright & Daniel P. Huden - 1981 - Educational Studies 12 (3):297-323.
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    An Examination of Michael J. Almedia’s “The Metaphysics of Perfect Beings”.Ulrich Schmidt - 2012 - Philo 15 (1):38-54.
    A perfect being is a being which possesses all perfections essentially. A perfect being is essentially omniscient, essentially omnipotent, essentially perfectly good, and necessarily existing. In his excellent book “The Metaphysics of Perfect Beings” Michael J. Almeida investigates the following tough questions about perfect beings: What would a perfect being create? Which moral requirements would a perfect being (have to) fulfill when deciding what to create? Is there a minimum or a maximum amount of evil a perfect being would (...)
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    The Early Theory of Equations: On Their Nature and Constitution: Translations of Three Treatises by Viète, Girard, and De Beaune. Robert Schmidt, Ellen BlackLa nouvelle algèbre de M. Viète: Précédeé de Introduction en l'art analytique. J.-L. de Vaulézard. [REVIEW]Michael Mahoney - 1990 - Isis 81 (4):765-766.
  18.  40
    Das Überlegungsgleichgewicht als Lebensform. Versuch zu einem vertieften Verständnis der durch John Rawls bekannt gewordenen Rechtfertigungsmethode.Michael Schmidt - 2022 - Paderborn: Brill | mentis.
    The objective of this thesis – Reflective Equilibrium as a Form of Life – is to contribute to the deepening of understanding of the method of reflective equilibrium – a method of internal epistemic justification. In the first part of the study, four paradigmatic conceptions of the method will be analyzed in order to carve out a conceptual core: The ones by John Rawls – who coined the name of the method – Norman Daniels, Michael DePaul and Catherine Elgin. (...)
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    Matthew’s (1915) climate and evolution, the “New York School of Biogeography”, and the rise and fall of “Holarcticism”.Juan J. Morrone - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (2):1-27.
    Climate and evolution represents an important contribution to evolutionary biogeography, that influenced several authors, notably Karl P. Schmidt, George S. Myers, George G. Simpson, Philip J. Darlington, Ernst Mayr, Thomas Barbour, John C. Poynton, Allen Keast, Léon Croizat, Robin Craw, Michael Heads, and Osvaldo A. Reig. Authors belonging to the “New York School of Zoogeography” –a research community including Matthew, Schmidt, Myers and Simpson– accepted Matthew’s “Holarcticism” and the permanence of ocean basins and continents, whereas others, especially (...)
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  20. Leerformeln und Ideologiekritik.Michael Schmidt - 1975 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 29 (1):162-164.
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  21. Sidgwick, Reflective Equilibrium and the Triviality Charge.Michael W. Schmidt - 2021 - In Michael Schefczyk & Christoph Schmidt-Petri (eds.), Utility, Progress, and Technology: Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the International Society for Utilitarian Studies. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. pp. 247-258.
    I argue against the claim that it is trivial to state that Sidgwick used the method of wide reflective equilibrium. This claim is based on what could be called the Triviality Charge, which is pressed against the method of wide reflective equilibrium by Peter Singer. According to this charge, there is no alternative to using the method if it is interpreted as involving all relevant philosophical background arguments. The main argument against the Triviality Charge is that although the method of (...)
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  22. Utopische Wirklichkeit. Ein Versuch über das Verhältnis der „Utopie“ zur „virtuellen Welt“.Michael W. Schmidt - 2012 - In Ulrich Gehmann (ed.), Virtuelle und ideale Welten. Kit Scientific Publishing. pp. 47-64.
    Mit einer virtuellen Welt kann sehr Verschiedenes und Mannigfaltiges assoziiert werden, unter anderem ein weiterer schillernder Begriff: Die Utopie. Sind nun virtuelle Welten allesamt Utopien? Oder müsste man vielmehr umgekehrt die Utopie als eine besondere virtuelle Welt hervorheben? Dass es überhaupt einen engen Zusammenhang zwischen den beiden Begriffen gibt, scheint nicht einmal selbstverständlich: Es gibt ihn sicherlich nicht, wenn man unter einer virtuellen Welt lediglich ein mit Hilfe von Computertechnik generiertes Szenario und unter einer Utopie schlicht und einfach eine der (...)
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  23. Utopie als Vermarktung. Nozicks missbräuchliche Verwendung des Begriffs Utopie für seine libertäre Staatstheorie.Michael W. Schmidt - 2010 - In Ulrich Arnswald & Hans-Peter Schütt (eds.), Thomas Morus' Utopia und das Genre der Utopie in der Politischen Philosophie. Kit Scientific Publishing. pp. 105-113.
    In Anarchie, Staat, Utopia aus dem Jahre 1974 legte Robert Nozick eine libertäre Staatstheorie dar, die er auch als Utopie verstanden wissen will. Ist nun diese Selbst-Etikettierung berechtigt? Hierzu möchte ich sowohl Nozicks Auffassung von einer Utopie betrachten, als auch nach einem sinnvollen Utopie-Begriff suchen, dem ein als utopisch bezeichneter Text zu genügen hat. Dabei werde ich hauptsächlich den Blick auf Thomas Morus’ genre-prototypischen Text über die Insel Utopia richten. Neben der Frage, ob Nozicks Staatstheorie als Utopie bezeichnet werden sollte, (...)
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  24. Der wunderbare florentinische Geist. Einblicke in die Kultur und Ideengeschichte des Rinascimento.Michael Schmidt & Michael Wendland (eds.) - 2011 - Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing.
    Mit dem treffenden Ausdruck "Der wunderbare florentinische Geist" bezeichnet Jacob Burckhardt den Geist der Erneuerung in Florenz zur Zeit der italienischen Renaissance - des Rinascimento. Er revolutionierte die unterschiedlichsten kulturellen Bereiche, wie etwa das politische Denken, Wissenschaft, Technik und Kunst. Dieser Geist wirkt bis heute fort. In seiner vielfältigen Gestalt dient er als Ausgangspunkt, um den Hintergrund der europäischen Kultur zu erkunden.
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    Schrift und Zeitlichkeit im Ursprung des deutschen Trauerspiels Walter Benjamins und Naissance de la clinique Michel Foucaults als Formen der Erkenntnis und des Erlebens.Michael Schmidt - 2011 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    Through the discussion of the two texts: "The Origin of German Tragic Drama" by Walter Benjamin and "Birth of the Clinic" by Michel Foucault, the aim of this thesis consists in trying to point out a kind of history of ambivalence and to understand its rapport with possible knowledge. The thesis contained in this work can be formulated as follows: Benjamin and Foucault grant an important position to writing in its aspect to knowledge. In fact the direct question arises as (...)
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  26.  46
    Implementing AI Ethics in the Design of AI-assisted Rescue Robots.Désirée Martin, Michael W. Schmidt & Rafaela Hillerbrand - 2023 - Ieee International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology (Ethics).
    For implementing ethics in AI technology, there are at least two major ethical challenges. First, there are various competing AI ethics guidelines and consequently there is a need for a systematic overview of the relevant values that should be considered. Second, if the relevant values have been identified, there is a need for an indicator system that helps assessing if certain design features are positively or negatively affecting their implementation. This indicator system will vary with regard to specific forms of (...)
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    The Idea of Human Rights: Four Inquiries.Michael J. Perry - 1998 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Inspired by a 1988 trip to El Salvador, Michael J. Perry's new book is a personal and scholarly exploration of the idea of human rights. Perry is one of our nation's leading authorities on the relation of morality, including religious morality, to politics and law. He seeks, in this book, to disentangle the complex idea of human rights by way of four probing and interrelated essays. * The initial essay, which is animated by Perry's skepticism about the capacity of (...)
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  28. Book review: Coeckelbergh, Mark (2022): The political philosophy of AI. [REVIEW]Michael W. Schmidt - 2024 - TATuP - Zeitschrift Für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie Und Praxis 33 (1):68–69.
    Mark Coeckelbergh starts his book with a very powerful picture based on a real incident: On the 9th of January 2020, Robert Williams was wrongfully arrested by Detroit police officers in front of his two young daughters, wife and neighbors. For 18 hours the police would not disclose the grounds for his arrest (American Civil Liberties Union 2020; Hill 2020). The decision to arrest him was primarily based on a facial detection algorithm which matched Mr. Williams’ driving license photo with (...)
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    Book review: Nyholm, Sven (2023): This is technology ethics. An introduction. [REVIEW]Michael W. Schmidt - 2024 - TATuP - Zeitschrift Für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie Und Praxis 33 (3):80–81.
    Have you been surprised by the recent development and diffusion of generative artificial intelligence (AI)? Many institutions of civil society have been caught off guard, which provides them with motivation to think ahead. And as many new plausible pathways of socio-technical development are opening up, a growing interest in technology ethics that addresses our corresponding moral uncertainties is warranted. In Sven Nyholm’s words, “[t]he field of technology ethics is absolutely exploding at the moment” (p. 262), and so the publication of (...)
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  30. Autonomous Driving and Public Reason: a Rawlsian Approach.Claudia Brändle & Michael W. Schmidt - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1475-1499.
    In this paper, we argue that solutions to normative challenges associated with autonomous driving, such as real-world trolley cases or distributions of risk in mundane driving situations, face the problem of reasonable pluralism: Reasonable pluralism refers to the fact that there exists a plurality of reasonable yet incompatible comprehensive moral doctrines within liberal democracies. The corresponding problem is that a politically acceptable solution cannot refer to only one of these comprehensive doctrines. Yet a politically adequate solution to the normative challenges (...)
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    Political Philosophy: An Historical Introduction.Michael J. White - 2003 - Oxford University Press USA.
    From Greek antiquity to the latest theories, this historical survey of political philosophy not only covers the major thinkers in the field but also explores the theme of how political philosophy relates to the nature of man. It illustrates how the great political thinkers have always grounded their political thought in what the author terms a "normative anthropology," which typically has not only ethical but metaphysical and/or theological components. Starting with the ancient Greek Sophists, author Michael J. White examines (...)
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  32. Retooling Peace Philosophy: A Critical Look at Israel's Separation Strategy.Kristofer J. Petersen-Overton, Johannes D. Schmidt & Jacques Hersh - 2010 - In Candice C. Carter & Ravindra Kumar (eds.), Peace Philosophy in Action. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 43.
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    On the complexity of Bounded Second-Order Unification and Stratified Context Unification.J. Levy, M. Schmidt-Schauss & M. Villaret - 2011 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 19 (6):763-789.
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  34. Defining the method of reflective equilibrium.Michael W. Schmidt - 2024 - Synthese 203 (5):1-22.
    The method of reflective equilibrium (MRE) is a method of justification popularized by John Rawls and further developed by Norman Daniels, Michael DePaul, Folke Tersman, and Catherine Z. Elgin, among others. The basic idea is that epistemic agents have justified beliefs if they have succeeded in forming their beliefs into a harmonious system of beliefs which they reflectively judge to be the most plausible. Despite the common reference to MRE as a method, its mechanisms or rules are typically expressed (...)
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    The problematic value of mathematical models of evidence.Ronald J. Allen & Michael S. Pardo - 2007
    Legal scholarship exploring the nature of evidence and the process of juridical proof has had a complex relationship with formal modeling. As evident in so many fields of knowledge, algorithmic approaches to evidence have the theoretical potential to increase the accuracy of fact finding, a tremendously important goal of the legal system. The hope that knowledge could be formalized within the evidentiary realm generated a spate of articles attempting to put probability theory to this purpose. This literature was both insightful (...)
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    Zur Berechenbarkeit Primitiv-Rekursiver Funktionale Endlicher Typen.J. Diller, H. Arnold Schmidt & K. Schutte - 1975 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (3):453-454.
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  37. Young children enforce social norms selectively depending on the violator’s group affiliation.Marco Fh Schmidt, Hannes Rakoczy & Michael Tomasello - 2012 - Cognition 124 (3):325-333.
  38. Reflective Equilibrium is enough. Against the need for pre-selecting “considered judgments”.Tanja Rechnitzer & Michael W. Schmidt - 2022 - Ethics, Politics and Society 5 (2):59–79.
    In this paper, we focus on one controversial element of the method of reflective equilibrium, namely Rawls’s idea that the commitments that enter the justificatory procedure should be pre-selected or filtered: According to him, only considered judgements should be taken into account in moral philosophy. There are two camps of critics of this filtering process: 1) Critics of reflective equilibrium: They reject the Rawlsian filtering process as too weak and seek a more reliable one, which would actually constitute a distinct (...)
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  39. Peeking Inside the Black Box: A New Kind of Scientific Visualization.Michael T. Stuart & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2018 - Minds and Machines 29 (1):87-107.
    Computational systems biologists create and manipulate computational models of biological systems, but they do not always have straightforward epistemic access to the content and behavioural profile of such models because of their length, coding idiosyncrasies, and formal complexity. This creates difficulties both for modellers in their research groups and for their bioscience collaborators who rely on these models. In this paper we introduce a new kind of visualization that was developed to address just this sort of epistemic opacity. The visualization (...)
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  40. The Harm of Social Media to Public Reason.Paige Benton & Michael W. Schmidt - 2024 - Topoi 43 (5): 1433–1449.
    It is commonly agreed that so-called echo chambers and epistemic bubbles, associated with social media, are detrimental to liberal democracies. Drawing on John Rawls’s political liberalism, we offer a novel explanation of why social media platforms amplifying echo chambers and epistemic bubbles are likely contributing to the violation of the democratic norms connected to the ideal of public reason. These norms are clarified with reference to the method of (full) reflective equilibrium, which we argue should be cultivated as a civic (...)
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    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion.Michael J. Murray & Michael C. Rea - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Michael C. Rea.
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion provides a broad overview of the topics which are at the forefront of discussion in contemporary philosophy of religion. Prominent views and arguments from both historical and contemporary authors are discussed and analyzed. The book treats all of the central topics in the field, including the coherence of the divine attributes, theistic and atheistic arguments, faith and reason, religion and ethics, miracles, human freedom and divine providence, science and religion, and immortality. In addition (...)
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  42. Animal species and their evolution.Arthur J. Cain & Michael T. Ghiselin - 1994 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 16 (2):355.
  43.  22
    Die Ästhetik Karl Leonhard Reinholds: Transzendentalphilosophische Geschmackskritik vor Kant.Michael Schmidt - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    Karl Leonhard Reinhold publizierte Ende der 1780er-Jahre eine Reihe von Schriften, mit denen er beanspruchte, Immanuel Kants geschmackstheoretische Ausführungen der Kritik der Urteilskraft zu antizipieren. Ziel dieser Studie ist eine bis dato nicht vorgenommene umfassende kontextualisierende Analyse dieser frühen ästhetischen Ansätze, die u. a. auf das Schöne und die Kunst appliziert werden. Reinhold diskutiert die seiner Ansicht nach einseitigen Lustkonzeptionen von Dubos, Pouilly, Wolff, Mendelssohn, Sulzer und Helvétius, welche er mit seiner eigenen Theorie des Vergnügens ergänzt. Die Empfindungstheorie Ernst Platners (...)
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    Bioethical Considerations in Translational Research: Primate Stroke.Michael E. Sughrue, J. Mocco, Willam J. Mack, Andrew F. Ducruet, Ricardo J. Komotar, Ruth L. Fischbach, Thomas E. Martin & E. Sander Connolly - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (5):3-12.
    Controversy and activism have long been linked to the subject of primate research. Even in the midst of raging ethical debates surrounding fertility treatments, genetically modified foods and stem-cell research, there has been no reduction in the campaigns of activists worldwide. Plying their trade of intimidation aimed at ending biomedical experimentation in all animals, they have succeeded in creating an environment where research institutions, often painted as guilty until proven innocent, have avoided addressing the issue for fear of becoming targets. (...)
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  45. Authenticity in Painting: Remarks on Michael Fried’s Art History.Michael Fried, Robert Pippin, Michel Chaouli, Stefan Andriopoulos, Richard Menke, Carlo Ginzburg, Dragan Kujundzic, Jacques Derrida & J. Hillis Miller - 2005 - Critical Inquiry 31 (3):575.
    My topic is authenticity in or perhaps as painting, not the authenticity of paintings; I know next to nothing about the problem of verifying claims of authorship. I am interested in another kind of genuineness and fraudulence, the kind at issue when we say of a person that he or she is false, not genuine, inauthentic, lacks integrity, and, especially when we say he or she is playing to the crowd, playing for effect, or is a poseur. These are not (...)
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    Team Cognition Research Is Transforming Cognitive Science.Michael J. Spivey - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    About 30 years ago, the Dynamical Hypothesis instigated a variety of insights and transformations in cognitive science. One of them was the simple observation that, quite unlike trial-based tasks in a laboratory, natural ecologically valid behaviors almost never have context-free starting points. Instead, they produce lengthy time series data that can be recorded with dense-sampling measures, such as heartrate, eye movements, EEG, etc. That emphasis on studying the temporal dynamics of extended behaviors may have been the trigger that led to (...)
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    Constructing Marxist Ethics: Critique, Normativity, Praxis.Michael J. Thompson (ed.) - 2015 - Boston: Brill.
    Constructing Marxist Ethics offers a series of compelling essays that reassess the role of ethics and moral values in Marxist theory and philosophy.
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    Evidence for animal metaminds.Justin J. Couchman, Michael J. Beran, Mariana Vc Coutinho, Joseph Boomer & J. David Smith - 2012 - In Michael J. Beran, Johannes Brandl, Josef Perner & Joëlle Proust (eds.), The foundations of metacognition. Oxford University Press.
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    Are You Politically Correct?: Debating America’s Cultural Standards.Francis J. Beckwith & Michael E. Bauman (eds.) - 1993 - Contemporary Issues (Prometheu.
    Essays from both the left and right examine the wide range of issues surrounding the debates over political correctness and multiculturalism.
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    Encounters with God: An Approach to the Theology of Jonathan Edwards.Michael J. McClymond - 1998 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This book offers a broad-based study of Jonathan Edwards as a religious thinker. Much attention has been given to Edwards in relation to his Puritan and Calvinist forebears. McClymond, however, examines Edwards in relation to his eighteenth-century intellectual context. In each of six chapters, he contextualizes and interprets some text or issue in Edwards within the emergent post-Lockean, post-Newtonian culture of the English-speaking world of the 1700s. Among the topics considered are spiritual perception, metaphysics, contemplation, ethics and morality, and apologetics.
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